Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Massive Seach Engines

With the new addition of Bing, it creates a problem for the pre-existing giants Yahoo, and Google. Bing is a product of Microsoft, in trying to compete for the monsters of search engines. For the new year i believe that they will find themselves trying to compete with each other. In a recent article i read


They had stated that Bing has taken away market shares from both yahoo and google, yahoo twice as much as google, but that being said it shows that Bing is in the market to compete with both of the search engines.

Other than these big three i do not see any additional search engines appearing to compete, because of the efficiency that they run at. They search for your needs, but also do so much more ranging from maps to state of the art email. They offer you so much more than what it was a few years ago.

From some research i found that there is research being done to increase internet speed, this research has been extensively by google. They are trying to find ways to become different from the other search engines. They are generating new ideas in ways to give the public free internet, through its search site.

Upon the many things google is trying to do, google is further developing a google library project. This focuses on scanning the entire internet, and online library's for tid bits on books, and also giving full bibliography information for a book you may need. In the cases where the book is out of copyright, the full book will be able to view for the person, some being free while others will cost money but at the benefit to the consumer having a virtual copy to them at anytime they are near a computer with internet access.After some review i had found out that the process google has gone through to get this has been very arduous. They had to go through congress for 4 years in order to gain the rights to let viewers see these articles, while still not attaining full rights.

Recently google books has been facing issues from people, and countries for violating copyright issues. Just recently France shut down any scanning of books that are made within France. These are some of the issues that are at hand for google to further their project, many are for this, but authors feel that they should see some revenue from their work being shared.

Personally i feel that these writers have a point in how they would like to see a share from this. But on the other hand being able to create a virtual library, for all to enter (maybe for a cost) it will be a great lead in the world of internet, and keep books in circulation longer than maybe a hard bound book would. As a writer you should feel honored that since our future is in technology, that it will be fully protected in the internet of the future.

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